Mini Goldendoodle Puppies
We specialize in F1, F1b and F1bb Mini Goldendoodle puppies, the most hypoallergenic of all the doodle generations!
Keep in mind that the F1b will not necessarily look like a poodle or have the temperament of a poodle. Our F1bb puppies will all have a curly coat best suited for families with severe allergies. In every F1b litter, there will be puppies that have loose-wavy coats that look exactly like an F1. These puppies are very desirable for families that want a more golden-looking mini goldendoodle that does not shed.
Keep in mind that we can find any one of these coat types from all of our generations except f1bb tend to all be curly. As experienced breeders, we are able to determine coat types by 6 weeks old. Coat colors range from crème, golden, apricot, red and on occasion abstracts. Coats range from curly to wavy, and all of our puppies will have thick coats.
We are the best and have a lot of breeders that try to use our name to build their business.
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