Our dogs are breed with the intent that they will be used for the following purposes:
1. herding livestock
2. hunting including tracking, chasing pointing, flushing or retrieving game
3. breed conformation through A.K.C.
We are aware they make fantastic service therapy and family dogs and are widely used for those purposes. All of our golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers have master or jr hunters in their line. Goldendoodles and Labradoodles all have those same bloodlines. We will require each puppy from our facility to be registered with A.K.C canine partners it’s a 35 dollar enrollment fee comes with 30 days of A.K.C. pet insurance, A.K.C. reunite, Complementary A.K.C. partners decree ,complimentary vet visit within the A.K.C. Veterinary Network.

Conformation and Hunting

Available Puppies