The Children’s Fund Mission
The Children’s Fund mission – The Goldendoodle puppy, donated by Oodles of Doodles, raised $18,000! Oodles Of Doodles Texas
Mini GoldenDoodle Recommended Breeder
When getting a Goldendoodle pup, you should aim for a top-quality puppy from a very reputable breeder. F1, F1b, and F1bb generations. (936) 933-7226
How Big Do Golden Doodles Get: The 3 Most Common Sizes
If you're looking to adopt or buy a Goldendoodle, you're probably wondering what size they will grow to. How Big Do Golden Doodles Get? Luckily, this is one of the most straightforward questions about a Goldendoodle since most Goldendoodles follow medium or large-size...
How Smart are Golden Doodles? 5 Surprising Facts
Goldendoodle owners call their fur-babies "little Einsteins" for a reason. As a crossbreed, a Goldendoodle is the gift that keeps on giving. You'll be surprised at their abilities, intelligence, and genetic makeup that contribute to their unique...
Are Golden Doodles Hypoallergenic? Fact or Myth?
Goldendoodles are an adorable mix between the Golden Retriever and Poodle. They are known as loving dogs that are good with kids and make excellent family pets. But what if a family member is allergic to dogs and other companion animals? Some claim that certain breeds...